Friday, August 12, 2005

The Patient Has Risen!!!

Krissy is feeling a lot better today. She is talking more and she is up and walking around. No signs of dry socket yet. So hopefully she won't get it.

It has been raining very hard today. The plane almost didn't get to take off because the weather was so bad. Earlier, Scott R., Krissy and I were talking in our livingroom and all of the sudden there was a loud *crack*. Lightning had just hit somewhere on top of Leigh Hill. It was so loud, we all jumped right out of our seats. We didn't see any smoke, so I don't think anything got struck.

I can't wait to see my little Isabella tomorrow. I have been missing her bunches. As nice as it has been to have some quiet time, I still miss her running around being her crazy little self.

I send my best wishes to everyone.



Anonymous said...

Hello my cedar city family I hope everything is well. I hope you are feeling better kristina. Got to talk to Bella while she was playing at the park with dad. I always love talking to her.

Get Well Soon


Anonymous said...

Dear Mommy & Daddy,
I had a nice nap. I eat a lot, so I must be having a growing spurt. MiMi, papa & I watched Elf last night, we loved it. I told MiMi I was daddy's baby but I would be her baby Bella. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj89999888888888888888888888888888888888888888889immmmggggggggggggggggggt5555555555555454````````hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
These are my words of wisdom. Love Bella & MiMi