Wednesday, January 09, 2008

First Post of 2008

Well I guess since the "dead blogs" have been resurrected, I may as well put up my first post of the new year. :)

My holiday season was okay. A little depressing at times, since I didn't get to see Bella for most of them. I had her with me the week before Christmas and then she and Krissy moved the weekend before Christmas and with work and everything I couldn't find time to get up there to see her for New Year's. I did get to talk with her a lot. She's been calling me almost everyday, which I love. I'm glad that I will be getting her this weekend for a few days. I took Sunday and next Thursday off work so I would have some more time with her. I'm spending the whole time with her and we are going to plant the seeds in the "Garden Girlz" set. Every time we talk on the phone she mentions them so we are going to plant them and then I am going to send her pictures of the plants once they start growing. :) It will be fun. It's been kinda weird not having her here with me every week. :(

Well I hope everyone's new year is going well. Glad to see that the "biggest losers" in the family are making some progress towards their goals. :) Keep up the awesome work you guys.

Much Love,


Marchelle said...

Happy New Year to you too Chad!! I'm sure it will be filled with loads of new things for you and I.

Dezaree said...

Happy New Year to you too! Cheer up silly boy. It's not fun to hear you so :(.

Dezaree said...

So, i am pretty sure that I told you when we saw you last that I may go up to slc instead of cedar first and live with Geoff's mom and dad. Maybe I didn't and I just imagined that I did. Sorry. But that's what we're going to do, so we can save some money. Plus, I really don't want to live apart again for another 10 weeks. so....

Marchelle said...

So how did the planting go?

Dezaree said...

Talk about dead blogs.......