Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Long Lost Friends

Well I have spent the greater part of the last week trying to find my old friends and collect all their email addresses. I have found quite a few of them. Some live in Oregon now, others over by Washington D.C. and even some a block away from my mom. Kinda crazy that we are spread out all over this crazy place. It is good to talk with them again. I have missed many of them. My graduating class's 10 yr reunion is this year. Most of the people I have been talking to are really excited to go. Reed will probably not be able to make it though. Which is sad. anyways, I hope everyone is having a great time with their moving into new houses, trying to get out of old ones, and just travelling in general.

Love you all,

p.s. I hope this post will satisfy my sister's craving for a "real" blog post from another family member. See Tonya, this one ACTUALLY contains a bit of something that is going on in my life.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chad, how hard is it to set up and XBox or Playstation for use on the online game playing? Is it something that I could do pretty easy?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you. Not hearing anything since the "new baby" picture, I figured that you were lost in the game ether. It is nice to know that you "return" every once in a while. Now we just need some Bella updates to go with your info. -- Don't miss the 10 yr reunion, it will be a very interesting experience. (It also makes your dad feel very, very old!) Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

It's about time, bud! Let's keep it going...you don't want to raise your old sisters blood pressure any more than it already is...P.S. It was a blast having Bella the other day! Thanks...