Friday, August 26, 2005

A Family Once Again

Well Krissy and Bella are back home from St. George. I missed them and I am glad that they are home. We had a pretty busy today at the airport. We screened about 70 people(that is like two days worth of screening for Cedar). Also, Amy Grant and her whole band flew out again today. She put on a concert last night for the town of Cedar City. They all looked pretty tired so I guess the concert went on later than planned.

Lately I have been getting into crossword puzzles. My coworkers and I work on them while we are waiting for the plane to arrive. They are pretty fun except the ones I print off the Internet are sometimes pretty hard. I usually get them from or I know some of the questions but others I am like, "Duh, What does that mean?"

Only a few more days to my precious days off. I can't wait. Well, I am sleepy and want to go to bed so.....good night.


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